
ARTIST CALLOUT: Inside/Outside x Migration Museum

01 May 24 — 31 May 24
Call for artists with a deep connection to Lewisham to submit work around the theme of “Inside/Outside and All In Between” for a community curated exhibition at the Migration Museum

This exhibition invites artists working in diverse mediums such as painting, sculpture, photography, mixed media, installation and digital art to explore a broad range of perspectives on what it means to navigate the boundaries of inside and outside and explore the contrasts and conflicts of experiencing (and existing in) a world that does not cater to one’s own heritage.

Curators’ statement
Inside/Outside And All In Between delves into the complex dynamics of migration and displacement, exploring the potential conflicts, parallels, blends and transformative journeys between the public and private spheres, between the external and internal dimensions of ‘home’, between outward expression and inner states of being, between memory and imagined self/future, between struggling with and/or embracing a new culture and identity… and much more.

What are we looking for?
This is an open call to artists, writers, designers, filmmakers and any other creative practitioners with deep connections to Lewisham. We are open to all art forms and welcome proposals from both new creators and established artists. We are particularly interested in hearing from anyone with lived experience of migration. Solo or group work in any medium is welcome, as well as works that are ready to exhibit.

Key Dates
Submission deadline: Friday 31 May 2024 (23:59)
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted once our curators have had a chance to review all applications with details on next steps.

How to apply
Visit the link in this post and below. When prompted, please attach supporting PDF documents (no larger than 10mb). For video/audio tracks creatives should provide a Youtube link.

Thank you
